Sunday, February 19, 2012

What If?

What if we know each other?
What if you and I are friends?
What if you and I are close to each other?
What if you and I, we love each other?

What if we became lovers?
What if we become couple?
What if we do have children?
What if we grow old together?

What if I said I love you?
Would you say "I love you too."
What if I say let's get married?
Would you say "Yes!"

There's a lot of What if in my mind
But the truth is, it can't happen any of those
Because the truth is,
You don't know me even my name

It's just my illusion
Waking up to those what if
Really hurts me a lot
And it drives me crazy

It's hard to like you
It's hard to want you
It's hard to love 
But I really need you.

You're like my air 
That I need to breathe.
You're like my water
That I need to drink.

You're like my sunshine
That I need to see
Because you own my HEART
And it beats because of YOU.

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